Sunday, January 3, 2016

What 2015 Taught Me:

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a great new year! I'm back with a reflection on the past year. I was watching Marissa Lace's video on YouTube about this and I felt really inspired to write this. 2015 was a great year, it had some ups and it had its downs, like all years do. I learned a lot about myself and about my relationships, both romantic and not. Here is what 2015 taught me: 

- Be happy/ Do what makes you happy: This year, I've dealt a lot with people who talk negatively behind my back. At first it really bothered and upset me but I realized that it really has nothing to do with me. As long as I am focusing all of my attention on being happy and doing what makes me happy, that's all that matters. Not everyone is going to like me, and the fact that I refuse to let them affect me upsets them even more but that's not my problem.  I've also made more of an effort to monitor my negative thoughts about other people. Letting go of all of that negativity has really helped. 

- Meditate: Towards the end of the year, I really started taking time out of my crazy schedule to truly relax and I don't mean sitting on the couch watching tv. I mean completely clearing my head and just being in the moment. When I start to feel anxious or stressed I
look up guided meditations online. It has helped so much with my anxiety and my mind in general. 

- Sometimes you need a relationship to end for you to realize it wasn't right for you: I think when we are in a relationship we get so caught up in it we don't realize it's not right. When it ends, you get that chance to step back and really evaluate it and evaluate what you want. Yes, you'll be sad at first but I like to think that everything happens for a reason and everything that happens is a learning experience. I also think if you have the opportunity to stay friends or get back together or whatever it is, do what you think is best for you. You don't have to worry about making that person happy anymore. If you think something isn't right for you, you can step back from it and take time to evaluate it. 

- People are so obsessed with labels when it comes to relationships: I think that everyone is so obsessed with labels when it comes to relationships, everyone wants to be "Facebook official" because people want everyone to know all of the great things going on in their lives on there. If you have fun with someone and you enjoy their company, then who really cares if everyone else knows? You don't always have to label everything, just focus on enjoying someone's company. 

- Stop overthinking: You guys have no idea how bad I was at overthinking. I know this is a hard thing to overcome but once you do, it's glorious. I try and just take things at face value now and it is so much nicer. Especially when it comes to dealing with people you're romantically involved in, because really, guys don't think at all, they just do and say whatever they need to. They don't go around thinking like "if I do this, it really means this." No. Bottom line: don't try and over analyze everything, take it at face value. 

- Embarking on a fitness journey for you and only you: I started out 2015 kicking butt with my fitness journey, I was working out all the time, lifting, doing cardio, feeling so good about myself. Then things got in the way, I went on vacation and other things and I stopped. I can't tell you how many people tried to get me back into it, but I didn't. Then 2015 started coming near a close and it just clicked for me. I want to get back into my journey. It just has to click for you, no one else can make you do it. 

LIVE: The year ended on a sad note, I lost someone I loved dearly, my grandmother, on December 18th. I just know that she would want me to live my life with no regrets. You never know when your time is up so just make sure that you make the most out of this life. It's too short to be sad, it's too short to waste your time on people that don't care about you, and it's too short to focus on all of the negative things. 

These are things that I learned. I'm not really sure why I felt inspired to write this but if it helps at least one person, amazing. I would love to hear what you learned in 2105, write me a comment, tweet me, comment on my Instagram, send me smoke signals, whatever. 

Here's to making 2016 amazing! 

Bree Michelle

As always, social media: 
Twitter: @blopez920
Instagram: @bybreemichelle