Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Confessions of a Reformed Crazy (Ex)Girlfriend

Hello my lovelies. Long time no talk, I apologize for my absence. I hadn't been feeling very inspired lately but that has changed, I have a ton of new ideas for this blog! Today, I am sharing some of my experiences with guys, some may be considered "crazy." If texting a guy 87 times in a row with no response if crazy then fine, I was crazy. I am also going to share with you how I changed my ways because apparently being a psychopath doesn't really help you keep a man. I was inspired to write this after reading a news article about a girl who dumped a pot of boiling water on her boyfriend because he played college football and she wanted more "attention." If you think this behavior is appropriate, then please seek help because I can't help you here.

First, let's start with how some things we may do as women come off as "crazy." If a guy doesn't text you back after even five text messages, he probably isn't that into you, I know that's harsh but after five texts, you're probably getting screenshot and being sent to his friends and getting laughed at. My new rule for myself is if he doesn't respond after two texts, move on but I am also extremely cautious at this point in my life and I hate wasting my time. My friends and I have dubbed my alter ego "Psycho Bree" and Psycho Bree has done many embarrassing things over the years and I am going to be sharing some of those things with you today. I have texted several guys way more than five times, one to the point that he told me he was leaving to join the Marines to get rid of me. I was also ghosted way way before that was even a thing. Ladies, if he's not into you, testing him incessantly isn't going to make him like, I promise you that. I know, trust me I know, it sucks and it hurts but no guy is going to be like "well I wasn't really into her but now that she's sent me 35 text messages, I'm kind of into her."

Next, let's discuss social media. I am not condoning "stalking" on social media, I'm just saying don't get caught. Liking a photo from 105 weeks ago when you two aren't even following each other is a just a no. I do not recommend continuing to follow or stalk them after you break it off with someone, trust me I have done this but honestly, it doesn't help the healing process at all. I am definitely guilty of checking up on them after the breakup and checking up on the new girlfriend too, trust me, it doesn't help at all. I am all for checking someone new out on social media, you have to make sure he's not married or that he isn't the kind of person that only posts memes on their Instagram or that he's not a complete moron with completely opposite views than you. I would really recommend only adding them on social media until after you've gone out a couple of times. If they add you first, then that's great, that shows their interested and they want to know more about you. To recap, checking out a new possible love interest is fine and totally normal, stalking your ex is normal but honestly, very unhealthy for your healing process.

Most of my old "crazy" behavior involved cellular phones and social media and trust me, I have been blocked more than once as embarrassing as it is. I think what helped me realize that my behavior wasn't helping anything was that if a guy isn't into you, doing things that are going to annoy him isn't going to make him like you. In this case, persistence IS NOT key.  Also, why would you even want to be with someone who just isn't that into you? You don't find happiness with someone who doesn't actually want to be with you as harsh as that may sound. You deserve someone who would move mountains for you. (Yes, that is a line from GG) Be comfortable with yourself, learn to love yourself, and the right person will come along when you least expect it. I honestly believe that everyone is put in your life to teach you something so even if a relationship doesn't work out, you find out a little bit about yourself, what you want, what you don't want, etc.

I don't want this post to come off as harsh or make it seem like I'm perfect and I have everything figured out. Trust me, Psycho Bree really wants to come out sometimes and sometimes she would really just enjoy laying into anyone that angers her. She needs to stay where she belongs. I also don't want this to sound like I have some underlying mental disorder, this post is meant to make fun of myself. I am honestly embarrassed about how I have behaved in the past but hopefully we can all learn something from this.

I am getting more inspired to write more blogs about relationships and dating so I think this will be the first of many dating blogs. I'll talk about my failed relationships, dos and don'ts, funny first dates and first dates that I'm lucky I'm alive to be talking about. Let me know what you think!

Bree Michelle

As always, social media: 
Twitter: @blopez920
Instagram: @bybreemichelle

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